Tuesday 24 March 2015

Rotoscoping Scissor Practice

This is the finished animation that I made using a Wacom Intous Graphics Tablet in Photoshop Elements 7. This animation is set at 0.20 frames per second.

This is a screenshot of my process for making this small animation. On the right hand side you can see all of the layers that I have made/have open. For each of the frames that I have to rotoscope I made two more frames after it, then made the first frame a white solid background and the second a transparent layer for the drawing.

This is a screenshot of the next step - preparing to begin to draw. I zoom in so that I can see it better.

This is a screenshot of me having started the drawing. You can see that it is on the transparent layer after the image and white solid layers. I used a 3 pt soft round brush to do all of the lines for this animation.

This is a screenshot of the outcome of one of the frames. I have both the solid white layer and the transparent layer with the drawing lines so visible, so that it makes the image. I then save this as a JPEG to make into a video format, or I press Save as Web from the file drop down menu which instantly makes the files into a GIF.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Swing Animation

I made this using Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 and Wacom Intous Graphics Tablet.
I made this animation for my horror project because:

  • the slow speed evokes an eerie atmosphere
  • the fact that no one is pushing the swing instills a sense of the supernatural

Saturday 21 March 2015

Creepy Hand Animation

I made this using Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 and Wacom Intous Graphics Tablet

I have created this animation for my horror nightmare project because:

  • the changing of the hands evokes feelings of terror when the viewer thinks of that as themselves
  • I had the idea of including shots as if the viewer is looking down upon themselves for a more personal horror experience

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Teeth Animation

I made this using Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 and Wacom Intous Graphic Tablet.
I created this animation for my horror nightmare project because:

  • Many people have recurring nightmares including teeth falling out, and is widely accepted as a sign of anxiety ( I have seen from my research).
  • It evokes a sense of uncontrollability - many people hate the idea of not being in control, especially if it is of themselves or bodily parts.

Reflection after 1st animation

Upon reflection I've decided to not include detailed backgrounds and lot of colour due to time restraints. This should enable me to make detailed black and white animations which may include the colour red as an occurring colour to draw in the viewers attention.

Monday 16 March 2015

Falling Animation

I made this using Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 and Wacom Intous Graphics Tablet.

This is going to be part of my final major project, this could be changed by adding a background or adding colour to the character, so this may be the first draft however I will see with how much time I got spare after completing other clips.

There will be audio added.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Mirror Techniques

These images inspire me as it creates a horrofic feel as when you look in the mirror you expect to see the reflection of yourself and the surroundings to be normal, But the effect of possibly having a haunting memory appear before you such as your reflection not following what you'r doing.

Ghost Techniques - Inspirational

This image I found off Deviant art : http://www.deviantart.com/art/Ghosts-454131651 inspired me by the use of

This image of a swing, makes me imagine the effect of it moving by itself, simple technique of just pushing the swing and moving out of the picture as it's taken, but the imagination created of something unseen being the cause creates a nightmarish effect.

This makes me think of the effect of seeing prints of hands, feet and possible demonic figures appearing randomly giving the effect you'r not alone in the room.