Practical Work

Gothic Skeleton Final Animation

Above is my final outcome of my gothic skeleton animation. I originally beforehand wanted to do him with a cloak on so he is the grim reaper however I felt the skeleton appearance worked just as well. As the cloak was making it more difficult to get the movement.

Gothic Animation Unedited

Above is my animation almost finished however unedited. To finish I have to edit backgrounds into it and crop out all of the green individually from every frame. I've got some idea's of the music I want to be playing in the background however I'm still debating.

Gothic Animation 1st Take

Above is my 1st take on my final gothic animation, I plan on editing a background to create a gothic atmosphere as well as having different scenes.

3by3aniMACHINATION 3D Project
Below is a video of an animation of characters and a background put together. Made by me and my partner Jane ( we made the figures out of plasticine using a cookie cutter to make the shapes of a  person, then moulding trees then creating a sun to make a basic animation.

3by3aniMACHINATION 2D Hybrid
Below is a video of an animation I made digitally by combining a character and a background together to make a short basic animation. I started by making the background and thinking how I could included the grim reaper effectively.

3by3aniMACHINATION 2D Background
Below is a video of a quick basic animation I made to create the background I wanted for my 2D digital hybrid. I put it all together to get the final look, so I decided the way to make this background was to put the gravestone growing into it's original place for the hybrid.

Movement short film
Below is a short film that me and my partner Jane created, (her blog is we both was influenced by "Topic 1 et 2, part 2 pixilation et pose longue de nuit appliquee a la danse a Prague en 1989" as our inspiration.

We made this movie using a series of photographs placed one after another. We used our Canon 1000D SLR camera and a tripod. Messing around with the shutter speed and aperture we got some interesting images. Our aim was to play off of the gothic theme we was given which led to us shooting during the evening to add a eerie gothic atmosphere, The images was taken on a quiet road and we dressed in dark colours to fit the theme.
Eastbourne Excursion - Gothic and Sublime
Me and my Partner went to Eastbourne as a trip for her birthday, we saw it as a great opportunity to capture sublime and gothic photographs. The photographs will also be on her blog Below are the unedited photographs we took using her Canon EOS 1000D SLR Camera.
The pictures above are photographs of the skeletal shell left from the burnt pier. The pipe picture shows the effected burnt parts next to the part which wasn't effected.

These are pictures we had taken on the pier. Sadly a few months ago the pier had been burnt down and the raw ashy wood was left on some parts as they are rebuilding. The contrast between the burnt pieces and non-burnt pieces had a striking and dark connotation.

Proportion, Distortion & Contortion animation task - Make a short animated film of a character speaking a single line of dialogue.

I made a quick animation of Batman speaking the line 'The Bigger Picture'. I drew out Batman using a graphics tablet and Photoshop Elements 7, then changed his mouth so that it appeared to say different sounds so that I could rearrange them in a video to make it seem as if he is speaking dialogue.

The video sequence I made I have shown above.

On the left I have shown the three batman faces that I made. Each creates different sounds.

I kept the design very simple and shaded in the different tones of skin in order to make it more effective in the animation.

On the left is the batman image which I used the grid to assist in my drawing

3in1 Animation Final

I made a quick little animation as a tester to see how much time a simple animation will realistically take, as well as seeing the technique is effective enough to perhaps uses in my project.

This is the outcome.



  2. Hey James. Looked at your practical work and I have to say that you took some beautiful photographs and I loved the batman face design. Good show of movement on the animation.

  3. Some great work here James, really liked the overall theme of your work and the outcome of your skeleton animation. Loved your photographs as well, I hope you can make use of them in the upcoming briefs!

  4. Hey James, looked at your blog and really liking it! You've done a lot of work.I really like your gothic final outcome and found the skeleton animation very creative. I also like how you showed the development behind it. Love the photographs and I think the thing that stood out for me was your Batman animated talking head! I haven't really used a graphics tablet and drawn with any software before so I wonder if you could suggest me any good tutorials or tips etc? Keep up the good work and can't wait to see your final major project outcome! I'm guessing you like anime?
