Reflective Blog



Gothic Skeleton Final Animation feedback: Good gothic atmosphere, music works well, well executed movements, well edited background.
Improvements: More frames.

3by3animachination 3D feedback: Great use of materials and colours, could use a different background and a tripod so that it is less juddering and more smooth.
Improvements: Experiment with more backgrounds, Get a new tripod.

3by3animachination 2D Hybrid feedback: Good gothic atmosphere and starting point for the project, use more frames to make it smoother.
Improvements: More Frames per second.

3by3animachination 2D background feedback: Good starting point and gothic mood, make it longer and maybe add more moving parts such as trees.
Improvements: Create background movement and more to happen.

Movement short film feedback: Smooth and does not judder, interesting, good mood.

Proportion, Contortion and Distortion task feedback: Good first animation of speech - he appears to be saying what you wanted him to.
Improvements: More speech frames if possible.

3-in-1 animation final feedback: Well drawn, music goes well with it, interesting mood, smooth.
Improvements: More positions of the character.

 Ideas for the 3by3 animachination project

Initial Ideas for theGOTHIC and theLANDSCAPE

3-in-1 CRIT
I attended the CRIT in which I viewed my classmates projects and everyone gave positive and construction feedback, Attending the CRIT helped me to think of ways on improving my own animation.
Some Animation techniques that I researched briefly.

Rotoscoping is an animation technique in which animators trace over footage, frame by frame, for use in live-action and animated films. Originally, recorded live-action film images were projected onto a frosted glass panel and re-drawn by an animator.
Rotoscope Sequence
Thaumatrope is a toy that was popular in the 19th century. A disk with a picture on each side is attached to two pieces of string. When the strings are twirled quickly between the fingers the two pictures appear to blend into one due to the persistence of vision.
Zoetrope a 19th-century optical toy consisting of a cylinder with a series of pictures on the inner surface that, when viewed through slits with the cylinder rotating, give an impression of continuous motion.
Looking at these helped me learn the basic understanding of how to produce a piece of work that is satisfactory and the concept behind an animation.
21st October 2014I attended an Adobe After Effects workshop in which I learn some basic digital animation techniques to view passing pieces as if your looking through a train window.

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